Friday, May 15, 2020

The Policy Language Of Clipper Mill Fed - 1016 Words

Accordingly, since Clendenin Bros., the policy language has been broadened—seemingly in response to Clendenin Bros. and similar cases—to include not only environmental pollution, but also, substances that are â€Å"harmful or toxic to persons [or] property.† The significance of this distinction was recognized in Clipper Mill Fed., LLC v. Cincinnati Ins. Co, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 112172 (D.Md. 2010), where a landlord/insured alleged that damages caused by â€Å"[t]oxic and dangerous airborne pollutants† attributable to a malfunctioning HVAC unit gave rise to a claim against the insured by a tenant. Id. at 3. In that case, although the pollution at issue was not â€Å"environmental,† the District of Maryland observed that: The policy in the present case contains an important distinction from that involved in Clendenin Bros. The CGL Policy tracks the definition of â€Å"Pollutant† contained in the policy at issue in Clendenin Bros., but adds, â€Å"‘Pollutants’ include but are not limited to substances which are generally recognized in industry or government to be harmful or toxic to persons, property or the environment. . . .† Compare Clendenin Bros., 889 A.2d at 390, with CGL Policy, Form GA 1011204  § V(18) (emphasis added). The addition of this sentence expanded the definition of Pollutant beyond environmental pollutants. The CGL Policy’s use of the phrase â€Å"harmful or toxic to persons, property or the environment† shows that the definition includes irritants and contaminants that harm persons butShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pageswith an intense, emotional confrontation, that person may begin by reacting suppor tively. But as pressure mounts, he or she is likely to revert to the more practiced, combative style. That is why, it is said, that people always curse in their native language. Stress causes us to revert to our fundamental, most reinforced behaviors. Thus it is important that learners not make the mistake of thinking they can delay applying skill training until they become managers. When problems and conflicts occur thenRead MoreIntroduction to Materials Management169665 Words   |  679 Pagesinformation and increased organizational flexibility. Conflicts in Traditional Systems In the past, supply, production, and distribution systems were organized into separate functions that reported to different departments of a company. Often policies and practices of the different departments maximized departmental objectives without From the Library of Introduction to Materials Management 9 considering the effect they would have on other parts of the system. Because

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