Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Censorship Filters The Media Within The World - 1574 Words

Does censorship filter the media within the world? Censorship has followed the free expressions of men and women like a shadow throughout history. Censorship is a way to filter the media in the world by suppressing unacceptable viewings or hearings by not showing, bleeping out, and covering the distasteful parts. In ancient societies, China for example, censorship was considered a logical tool for regulating the political and moral life of the population. The term censor can be traced to the office of censor established in Rome i 443 BC. In Rome, in the ancient Greek communities, the thought of good governance included shaping the character of the people, although, censorship was regarded as a righteous task. In China, the first censorship law was introduced in 300 AD. Censorship is a healthy way of teaching the world, helps control the influx of information and ideas in society and compresses the violence within the world. Though freedom of speech is legal within the United States of America, all things said, shown, or expressed are not always appropriate. In most cases, inappropriate speech and/or acts lead to illegal acts or urge others to. For example, if someone witnesses a scene, is a part of a scene or hears about it, most will want to converse about it or take part in it creating chaotic controversy. However, more severe forms have led to people or groups such as the Ku Klux Klan being denied certain marching permits or the Westboro Baptist Church being sued,Show MoreRelatedInternet Censorship: Censoring Freedom Essay1707 Words   |  7 Pages With today’s technology, communication and information can travel across the world in a matter of seconds. Ever since the internet was first made publically available in 1991 the ease of accessing entertainment, education, and information has been increasing every year. 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