Friday, December 27, 2019

Themes Of `` The Lottery `` By Shirley Jackson And The...

SafeAssign Logo Help I have chosen to examine the theme of attempted but failed equality in my final paper. The theme of equality is present throughout many of the dystopian short stories, novels, poems and films we have studied in class. The three stories I feel this theme is most present in are â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson, â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut and â€Å"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas† by Ursula Le Guin. In these stories society tries to make everything orderly and just. Their methods to promote equality are flawed. The goal in these stories is to perfect society but in each story they fall short. Reading these stories I am only reminded of the need for equality in the world. Equality is an issue that has been impacting our nation and society for a very long time. I find this very interesting and it is very close to my heart. My parents are German and faced many struggles and even discrimination when they moved to America in the early 90’s. I am a Christian and believe all people were created equal. We were all given gifts and the equal chance to be who we want but many factors have proven difficult for many. Society should never discriminate against others on account of race, sex, sexual preferences or geographical origin. This is why I chose this particular topic. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a story based on a small New England town or village of 300 people. Each year the townspeople gather to draw slips of paper to decide their fate. If they

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Criminal Justice System And The Crime System Essay

Prior to the over a thousand days spent on Rikers Island, including brutal nights in solitary confinement, Kalief Browder could remember his walk down East 186th Street that was suddenly interrupted by the NYPD who accused him of robbing the person who sat in their cop car, a person who Kalief claimed to have never seen in his life. Unable to make bail, Kalief suddenly found himself on his way to Rikers Island. In 2010, he soon became one of the 5,695 victims of the Bronx criminal court system even though the only evidence that was had was the memory of the alleged victim (Gonnermen 1). As discussed in class, the Criminal Justice System can be looked at as a contract within itself that contains two parts of its social contract, part one as crimes with the punishments to those crimes and part two as the due process to how the legal system handles the suspect of a crime. Even though the Criminal Justice System has been studied and training has been implemented to government officials o n how to follow it properly, up to present day the Criminal Justice’s contract with society still causes trauma within society. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of a contract is â€Å" a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties; especially : one legally enforceable.† The common people of society give the enforcers of the law the job of keeping society safe so it can remain livable, but to keep things in order there is a balance between individual rights with the needShow MoreRelatedCrime System And Criminal Justice System Essay1399 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: The criminal justice system has evolved on the decades. From initially being constituted by the victim to eventually becoming constituted by written laws. There have been several changes made within the justice system, so in the following I will discuss my perspectives of the researched information and the noted changes of a system that was created by the people for the people. Topic I – Victim Justice System vs. Criminal Justice System A. Responsibilities of the victim’s past/presentRead MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System963 Words   |  4 Pagesnews reports, crime daily. Crime is something that we cannot run from in today’s society; so we depend highly upon the justice system. Criminal Justice is a major concern. Criminal Justice consists of three areas: our police, courts and corrections department. The Criminal Justice system was put in place by these agencies, and established by the governments to help control the crimes and applies penalties to those that violate the law. Many people feel that the criminal justice system is there toRead MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System1266 Words   |  6 Pages The criminal justice system in England and Wales is made up of multiple agencies which all have different responsibilities, however they share the main objective of maintaining and enforcing the rule of law. The International Bar Association (2005) describes the Rule of Law as ‘the foundation of a civilized society’ with a society’s formal response to crime being the responsibility of the criminal justice system ‘more specifically in terms of a series of decisions and actions being taken by a numberRead MoreCrime And The Criminal Justice System1511 Words   |  7 Pageshas always been a need to have a system in place in order to ensure that the laws of the land are followed by all. This system, today, is called the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is very important in serving the individual needs and society’s needs by making individuals feel safe and secure and by fulfilling societal requirements of punishing that criminal elem ent that infringes on those needs of individuals. The role that the criminal justice professional is vital when itRead MoreThe Crimes Of The Criminal Justice System968 Words   |  4 Pagestechnology, there are different types of crimes that can be committed. These crimes have been traditionally defined as either computer crimes or cybercrimes. The distinction in the two types of crimes seems to focus primarily on whether the crime can be committed without the use of technology and if the computer itself was actively involved with the crime. However, both types have created issues with the criminal justice system with how criminals are committing their crimes, the difficulties in law enforcementRead MoreCrime And Crime : The Criminal Justice System Essay1520 Words   |  7 Pagesanalyzed various aspects of crime and criminality. Through continued study and ongoing research, criminologists have developed various theories as per the causes of different types of crime, whether or no t some individuals are predisposed to certain types of criminal activity, legal processes of the criminal justice system, and how criminal offenders are processed. Canada’s criminal justice system comprises and constitutes various stages and components. The criminal justice system is a significant toolRead MoreCrime and the Criminal Justice System1111 Words   |  5 PagesCrime and the Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system and the process have molded the laws of the United States to its current existence. The judicial system is designed to punish those who commit crimes against one another and for those who break the laws in other ways. According to Pearson (2012), crime can be defined as conduct in violation of the state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse. Pearson (2012)Read MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System1696 Words   |  7 Pages The Criminal Justice system has become an increasingly popular subject in America due to television, movies, and the media. This is due to crime and punishing crime being romanticized and the population becoming more desensitized. Some of the most appealing shows to the American people are the ones that include criminal investigations. However, the crime television shows that people view on a daily basis is extremely different from the actual Criminal Justice system, especially homicide investigationsRead MoreCrime And Criminal Justice System974 Words   |  4 Pagescontrolled by policing to deal with the ‘problem’ of ‘crime’. Although there are various perceptions of what ‘crime’ is and means, we can view it as an offence or act which is able to be punished by the Law. Despite this, the Police arguably omit ‘crimes’ caused by particular individuals or groups such as; the bourgeois and white males and females. Many occasions these responses deny less privileged and minority groups equality within the criminal justice system, furthermore breaking the rule of Law. An ideologyRead MoreCriminal Crime And The Criminal Justice System1693 Words   |  7 PagesCriminal Profiler/Psychologist’s are people in the Criminal Justice System that create psychological profiles of criminals in order to identify behavioral patterns, in efforts to help officers narrow down their searches to people who fit that particular description. Profiler’s examine crime scenes, analyze evidence, read reports from investigators, write reports, and interview witnesses and victims in order to collect information. They may work for local, state, or federal law enforcement. Profilers

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Christian Reflection-Motivation free essay sample

Being in the box has a negative impact on an individuals internal and external motivation in the workplace. We lose our what-focus and who-focus because we are too occupied with justifying the characteristics we have created in our minds. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) For example when I was an intern in the civil rights office, my first rotation was with the only diversity specialist. She had a fairly poor attitude but was excellent at the work that she produced. She insisted that employees should overlook her attitude and focus on the point she was making. Over time I watched as her approach to interacting with her co-workers slowly escalated into arguments and the refusal to work with her. People wanted clear boundaries for what their responsibilities were versus the diversity specialist. Other people in the office lost motivation or developed a very short temper with the diversity specialist. The civil rights office could not work together to accomplish any group tasks if they were paired with this individual. We will write a custom essay sample on Christian Reflection-Motivation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However it was the civil rights division that suffered as a whole. Upper management noticed the internal discord and lost trust in the office. Internally I am positive that each employee blamed someone else for the loss of trust within the office. My office is a very great example of collusion,each person continues to act according to the characteristics they are placing on themselves and co-workers to justify not working as a team. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) I am also guilty of shying away from working with the diversity specialist. There were times when I could have stepped in to help her out but I refused to volunteer due to some of our interactions, I truly felt justified in my thinking also. Although I know that my Christian beliefs/values should have a positive affect on internal and external motivation in the workplace. I also know that this positive affect is accomplished by ensuring that I behave in a manner that would be pleasing to God. However, that is not always the case. Sometimes a Christian will know the right thing to do but will ignore their inner spirit. It is challenging to offer someone that last bit of advice that will make a difference in their project when they constantly belittle your suggestions or take credit for the work you do. Christians must remind themselves that their rewards will come from God, not man. Motivation has a huge impact on the amount of conflict in the workplace. When people are motivated in a positive manner to interact with co-workers and employees, you have a positive, productive work environment. However when you have a few people in the box it has a negative domino affect on the work environment. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) People want to leave early and only produce what is required of them. As blame begins to shift to everyone around them, there is a loss of motivation to go the extra mile or be helpful to others. References The Arbinger Institute (2002). Leadership and Self-Deception. Sand Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Organizing and Leading

Elements that need to be changed Radical innovation (RI) projects are characterized by high levels of uncertainty. Deducing from the case study, management and people need to change to adapt to new strategic approaches of doing things.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organizing and Leading specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Management should educate employees on new approaches of doing things and that should be stated in the organization’s mission and vision statements. Research has shown that management that has factored a culture of innovation in its RI strategy eventually becomes very successful. For the case study, people at different levels of the organization can get motivated and stimulated to be proactively involved in the change process. The organization needs to legitimize these changes so that when people come up with conflicting ideas, these ideas can either be dismissed or incorporated with a lo t of care. In addition to that, management has to be fully committed in implementing new changes by presenting a united front in order to avert possible resistance to change particularly from employees. The organization’s strategic approach to RI also needs to be changed. One of these strategic factors includes a tactical approach in introducing the RI strategy. In addition to that, communication is a key component in getting employees to know what their roles and their involvement in introducing change in the organization are. The business structure can not remain the same when change has been introduced in this organization. Therefore, structural factors need to be changed. An organizational structure specifically involves horizontal and vertical hierarchies. A change in structure is indispensable so that the organization and people fit in the new organization. People factors include competence and skills, entrepreneurial approach to doing things, team work, and managementà ¢â‚¬â„¢s involvement. On the other hand, external factors envisage the environment and how the organization under study interacts with it. In addition to that, process factors include the organization’s approach to implementing the RI, controls and how these controls are exercised.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Technology is another element with a key role in the change process. Newer, cheaper, and cleaner technologies play an important role in product quality. The change agent The change agent in the RI process should be the leadership. Leadership should have the ability to enhance certain practices and destroy those practices that adversely impact on RI. An organization’s existing strengths can be enhanced to put it at a strategic advantage in the market by strong and intelligent executives who operate at different levels of management. In addition to that, the strengths of an organization can take an organization to a completely new direction in the market. Therefore management gains more competence by incorporating new skills, strategies, technologies, and abilities the driving forces behind a successful RI. A change plan for the organization To introduce RI into the organization, a strategic approach based on the model that was settled on is outlined below. Main Activity Activities Time Frame/Months Experimentation Collecting and evaluating new ideas. Assessing available technical skills, current vision and communicating the new vision to the employees. Ingraining the ideas into management Identifying opportunities 2 Improvisation Coordination within the organization. Introducing structural changes. Figuring and evaluating the proposed structure. Assessing an effective implementation strategy. 2 Transition Changing to new ideas and strategies. Ensuring a smooth transition. 4 Searching for organizations that allow employ ees to volunteer during work hours Technology has become one of the most valuable tools in today’s society for job seekers and companies for accessing information. A lot of information about organizations is available on their websites.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organizing and Leading specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition to that, an organization’s activities include its approaches in disseminating information about its operations. These two elements play a significant role in providing valuable information about a company and available opportunities. Various approaches involved in determining these companies include identifying an individual’s actual direction and growth opportunities in relation to existing companies. Personal strengths, weaknesses, skills, passion, likes and dislikes, and individual talent contribute immensely to determining the direction to take. With an ope n minded approach, a scrutiny of individual company websites and news articles in seeking for the most favorable company count as the most appropriate approach in establishing the company of choice. Further to that, a close consideration of the kind of resume that may be required could significantly contribute to the choice of a job. A well tailored resume and cover letter could greatly count in influencing management in considering the application made once the company of choice has been identified. Add to that, a close evaluation of practical experience and job description are important. This could be in line with what a company needs in relation to its area of specialization. Networking is an important resource in identifying a company with such opportunities. Getting actively involved in passing a resume around in addition to calling and contacting friends forms a significant part in networking. An individual’s winning approach includes individual appearance. Dressing in the manner most attractive and tailored to fit the job one is looking for are important elements. At all times, one is required to be professional. This will positively contribute to the way people view an individual, either as a professional or not. A job seeker should be thoroughly knowledgeable about activities companies invest in and available opportunities within that company. This information could help one identify oneself with available volunteer opportunities with special emphasis on one’s abilities. That could imply playing part as a professional in one’s field of training at school.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gradually, realistic expectations should be set by the job seeker by incorporating volunteer opportunities in the organization of interest. In addition to the discouraging element of rejection that may face an individual job seeker should not play part in derailing one from one’s vision and pursuit. Volunteer opportunities These steps help in identifying volunteer opportunities one is passionate about. Evaluating available opportunities and identifying those companies that provide volunteer opportunities at working hours. Once these have been identified, individual skills that match with the identified opportunities should be evaluated and rated. Individual abilities are then evaluated. These include individual skills, personality, kindness, and ability to bond with others. Opportunities to grow should be identified within an organization of interest with a strong sense of commitment. One’s ability to direct an organization in meeting its goals is one of the characteri stic identifiers of a volunteer. Organizations that allow volunteer opportunities on company time Many of those organizations that provide volunteer opportunities can be found listed over the internet and their activities identified on their websites. These include the Metropolitan family services company, Oregon mentors, Gatekeeper program, and Adelante Mujeres organizations among others. Organization that provides a march between a and b These include Oregon Mentors and Gatekeeper program. These organizations provide volunteer and growth opportunities among other benefits. Job design Employee motivation plays a key role in organizational performance. Various motivational factors play different roles in employee performance and retention. Based on the above case study, Lisa Black is more inclined to higher job satisfaction based on better interpersonal relationships. Good interpersonal relationships enhance better communication, sharing of ideas, better understanding, and better de cision making. It is clear therefore that, for Lisa Black better interpersonal relationships, followed by more pleasant physical surroundings, better job security, better supervision, improved benefits, changes for growth, advancement, higher wages, more responsibility, and improved technology in that order of significance to job satisfaction. On the other hand Juan Esposito values higher wages as the most significant motivational factor. Satisfactory wages place an employee at a position to provide for the essential personal needs in addition to dependants. Esposito’s scale identifies improved technology, chance for growth, advancement, more responsibility, better supervision, physical surroundings, better interpersonal relationships, better job security, and improved benefits to significantly impact on personal motivation in that order. Each scaling speaks clearly of the needs and character of each individual. Black is more concerned about the environment than Esposito. The scale suggests that Esposito places little emphasis on long term benefits that come with employment compared with Black who seems to be more concerned with long term benefits and the working environment. One could conclude that Black is more interested in long term benefits that result in better working conditions while Esposito has significant regard for temporary gain as along as personal interests are satisfied and are given a higher priority. These elements are counterproductive on employee productivity and the quality of work. Designing the job for Lisa and Juan A balance should be struck between the motivational element and organizational needs and strategy. To that end, my approach to job design could involve identifying and categorizing job content’s satisfying and dissatisfying factors. Dissatisfying factors will help maintain the structure and organization of the business while satisfying factors will significantly impact on individual growth and self-actualization . I could proceed to incorporate job enlargement that could factor more tasks into their activities. I could proceed to implement a job rotation for betterment of their skills and knowledge besides erasing boredom, and then proceed to job enrichment to add value to their job gradually simplifying their job. Positions for Juan and Lisa Their positions could vary widely. Lisa could better serve as a human resource person. Descriptive of Lisa’s characteristics include good interpersonal relationships, more pleasant physical environment, and better job security characteristic of this position. Lisa has incorporated the element of corporate social responsibility and concern for the wellbeing of others. On the other hand Juan could better serve and be happy as a financial officer. Juan could significantly contribute to the institutional wellbeing of the financial health of the organization based on the grading of higher wages as the highest motivational element. Lisa could best ser ve as a manager for the wider concern evident on the scaling, while Juan could be happy serving as a quality control manager for the aspects of technology and wages are identified as highest motivating factors. Ranking the column Factors Lisa Black Juan Esposito Mine Higher wages 8 1 3 Better job security 3 9 1 Improved benefits 5 10 9 Better chance for advancement 7 4 4 Improved Technology 10 2 8 Better supervision 4 6 5 More pleasant physical surroundings 2 7 6 Better chance to grow and develop job skills 6 3 7 More responsibility 9 5 10 Better interpersonal relationships 1 8 2 This essay on Organizing and Leading was written and submitted by user Elise Douglas to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Pesticide Essays - Pesticides, Environmental Health, Biocides

Pesticide Pesticides are chemicals that make our produce perfect, and our yards free of pests. However, this perfection comes at a price to many different people. Pesticides are poisons with the sole purpose of killing. They are intended to kill weeds, insects and fungus. There are three types of pesticides called herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Every pesticide has an active ingredient, and an inert ingredient. The active ingredient is the poison that kills he pest, and the inert ingredient is the carrying, or spreading compound. (Honey pg. 2) Pesticides were once thought of as a miracle cure for hunger. They were supposed to keep crops free of pests, and misquitos under control. People were not aware of the dangers that these poisons possessed. DDT* was supposed to be a, "benefactor for all humanity" (Honey pg. 2). There were few regulations on the use of DDT use. It was even sprayed where children played. It was intended to kill misquitos, but it ended up poisoning, even killing people. (Honey pg.2) Elizabeth Rollings says that one of her teachers, Mrs. Keller, had a sister that died from DDT poisoning when Mrs. Keller was a child. People came to her house that sprayed the bushes with DDT to control misquitos, and when Mrs. Keller and her sister played near the bushes they were exposed to the deadly poison. Now a days the U.S. has seen the dangers that pesticides possess and banned many kinds from use in this country. However, the U.S. has yet to ban them from being made here and exported to foreign countries. In fact, 25 tons are exported every hour. (Honey pg. 1) There are three main problems with this: the regulations are very low in the places the U.S. exports to, many of the people in those places are unaware of the dangers, and the pesticides can return on the produce that the U.S. imports. A specific example of how unaware the people are is an incident in Costa Rica. The field workers in a sugar plantation were not told of the dangers of the pesticides that they applied, and they were not given any protective clothing. Many of them went shirtless, and in tennis shoes with no socks. They had used this pesticide for several days when many began to complain of headache and nausea; some began to vomit blood. One man died, but fortunately the problem was discovered in time to treat the rest of the workers before they died. Another of the problems that arise from pesticide exportation is getting it back in the produce we import from these countries. One third of the poison banned in the U.S. returns in what is being called the circle of poison, which is when pesticides that are exported and used on produce that return on the produce, back to the people it was being meant to keep away from. (Scanlan pg.1) To avoid this, many people are shopping at health food stores where pesticides have not been used on the food. There is a basic progression that occurs when the body is poisoned by a pesticide. First there is a biochemical inactivation of an enzyme. Next this biochemical change leads to cellular change. Then the cellular change causes symptoms of poisoning seen or felt in the particular organ where the enzyme that was deactivated was. All this changes a body's homeostasis*, and when homeostasis can not be maintained or restored, disease occurs. Most effects aren't permanent, but may take a long time to completely recover from. However, some do cause permanent damage. The damage of pesticide poisoning varies. It can effect just one particular organ system, or it can effect a number of organ systems.( GTI. Manifestations of Toxic Effects. pg 1) Another problem that pesticide poisoning possess is detection. A history of being exposed to chemicals can cause illness that can be hard to distinguish from a viral infection, such as the flu. One might go to long without treatment thinking they have a virus that they will eventually overcome, when in reality they have been poisoned by pesticides, which can lead to worse and worse damage over time. "People who handle chemicals frequently in the course of their jobs and become ill, should tell their physicians about their previous exposure to chemicals." (GTI Manifestations of Toxic Effects) The statistics of harm from pesticides are numerous. "Each year 25 million people, primarily from the Southern Hemisphere, are poisoned through occupational exposure to pesticides; of those 220,000 die." Pesticides have been linked to cancer in many

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom The Relationship between Local Food Environment and Residents Diet essay

buy custom The Relationship between Local Food Environment and Residents Diet essay Is there a relationship between Local Food Environment and Residents Diet in the prevention of Arteriosclerosis? There is acloseassociationbetween diet and diseases such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and birth defects. Arteriosclerosis is one of these diseaseshighlyassociated with cholesterol intake. Reports indicate that taking foods containing saturated fats increases the risk of getting arteriosclerosis. At the same time, consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the chances of one getting the disease. This paper arguesthat there is anassociation between thelocal foodenvironment, and the residentsdiethenceaffects the risk of arteriosclerosis. In this study, participants were thepopulationfrom the Arteriosclerosis Risk in Communities study in the period from 1993-1999. The participants were from Washington County, Forsyth County, Jackson City and Minneapolis. There were various reasons for the selection of these populations. First the data from the studywerereadily available from a large population sample with information on dietary intake. Secondly thepopulationinvolved was from adiversegeographic area and contained people ofvariedeconomic, educational andracialclases. Thirdly, there was information on neighborhood differences on diet. The numbers of participants were 2392 Black Americans and 8231 White Americans. The researchers used food frequency questionnaires to obtain the estimations of the intakes, the recommended foods and nutrients from the 10623 participants in the Arteriosclerosis Risk Communities study. They obtained thedataon availability of recommended foods through the presence of supermarkets, food stores and full service restaurants. These were the main suppliers of food to the communities. They varied the local food environment by increasing the number of the food suppliers. They obtained the increases in the amount of food taken by the participants due to the presence of a local foodenvironmentby computing the daily intake of calories in saturated fats, and daily intake of cholesterol. Othervariationfactors considered were the level of education, the amount of income and therace. Discussion Arteriosclerosis is aheartdisease that results from the clogging of blood vessels. The causal agent of the disease is high fat intake of fats. The disease is not transmissible, but it is common in families with a history of heart diseases. Intake of foods with low fat content, intake of vegetables and fruits is one of the prevention measures. There are a lot of recommendations outlined in the US for prevention of the disease. One of the measures is the availability of recommended foods in the vicinity of people. There are several other factors associated with the disease. Age is one of the contributing factors. The risk of the disease seems to increase with old age. In addition, othersassociateit with an increased concentration of cortisol in the blood that results from long timestress. There is one school of thought thatbelievesthediseaseis as a result of high intake of cholesterol. Another schoolbelievesthat stress is themaincause of the disease. Various prevention measures have be en stipulated depending on the school of thought. The study found out that the local foodenvironmentinfluences the intake of the recommendedfoodfor prevention of Arteriosclerosis. An increase in the number of supermarkets, food stores and full service restaurants in the study area increased intake of recommended foods. The study madevariousassumptions. One of them is that the supermarkets provide all the recommended foods. Another limitation to the findings was the fact that it did notconsiderage. Apart fromeducation, income and race, age among other factors is a determining factor in the choice of food. Buy custom The Relationship between Local Food Environment and Residents Diet essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

To what extent, if at all, might hegel be described as a communitarian Essay

To what extent, if at all, might hegel be described as a communitarian - Essay Example Undoubtedly, he is one of the greatest photospheres the world has ever seen and he has been credited with many achievements of which the most prominent one is the addition of a historical perspective to philosophy. He also was the first philosopher to understand the importance of ‘the other’ in relation to fully understanding the self. However, it is his writings on civil society, individualism and government which have to be discussed in order to understand if he was a communitarian and if he was, to what extent he agreed with the idea of being a communitarian. Of course to understand Hegel as a communitarian we must first discuss what being a communitarian is about and what communitarianism entails. Fundamentally, communitarianism is a set of connected philosophical ideas which started to take form as a system in the modernist era as an opposing force to the ideals of radical individualism (Chong, 2006). It advocates the idea of having a civil society which works as a unit where the community takes precedence over the individual (Wikipedia, 2006). Communitarianism is not directly opposed to the concepts of social liberalism or social democracy since the focus of the philosophy remains on the priority in decision making which is given to the community rather than the individual (Franco, 1997). However, as described by Franco (1997) it remains very difficult to place Hegel as a communitarian if we only use labels and not understand what Hegel was trying to get across to us. Franco further suggests that: â€Å"Hegel provides us with a ‘middle ground’ between deontological liberalism and contemporary communitarianism. Like the modern communitarians, he is critical of the individualistic and historical conceptions of rights underlying the liberal polity, but like many liberals in both his day and ours, he is skeptical of any attempt to return to some form of democratic participatory gemeinschaft based upon immediate face-to-face relations (Franco, 1997,